Source code for modeci_mdf.functions.actr.ccm.buffer

from .model import Model
from collections import UserDict

[docs]class Chunk(UserDict): def __init__(self, contents, bound=None): UserDict.__init__(self) if isinstance(contents, Chunk): self.update(contents) elif isinstance(contents, str): for i, x in enumerate(contents.split()): if ":" in x: i, x = x.split(":", 1) if x.startswith("?"): key = x[1:] x = bound[key] self[i] = x elif hasattr(contents, "__dict__"): for k, v in contents.__dict__.items(): if type(v) in [str, float, int, bool]: self[k] = v else: try: self.update(contents) except: raise Exception("Unknown contents for chunk:", contents) def __repr__(self): r = [] keys = self.keys() i = 0 while i in keys: r.append("%s" % self[i]) keys.remove(i) i += 1 keys.sort() for k in keys: if k[0] != "_": r.append("{}:{}".format(k, self[k])) return " ".join(r)
[docs]class Buffer(Model): def __init__(self): self.chunk = None def set(self, chunk): try: self.chunk = Chunk(chunk, self.sch.bound) except AttributeError: self.chunk = Chunk(chunk, {}) def modify(self, **args): for k, v in args.items(): if k.startswith("_"): k = int(k[1:]) if k not in self.chunk: raise Exception(f'No slot "{k}" to modify to "{v}"') self.chunk[k] = v self.chunk = self.chunk def __getitem__(self, key): return self.chunk[key] def clear(self): self.chunk = None def __eq__(self, other): return self.chunk == other def __hash__(self): return id(self) def __len__(self): if self.chunk is None: return 0 return len(self.chunk) def isEmpty(self): return len(self) == 0