Source code for modeci_mdf.functions.actr

"""Contains implementations of ACT-R functions using the ccm library."""

import random
from .ccm.pattern import Pattern
from .ccm.scheduler import Scheduler
from import Memory
from .ccm.buffer import Chunk, Buffer
from typing import Union, Dict, Any, Tuple, List, Callable

__all__ = [

[docs]def chunk_to_string(chunk: Dict[str, str]) -> str: """Converts a chunk dictionary to a string format. Args: chunk: A dict representing a chunk. Returns: A string representation of the chunk. """ chunk_copy = chunk.copy() if "name" in chunk_copy.keys(): del chunk_copy["name"] return " ".join(list(chunk_copy.values()))
[docs]def pattern_to_string(pattern: Dict[str, str]) -> str: """Converts a pattern dictionary to a string format. Args: chunk: A dict representing a pattern. Returns: A string representation of the pattern. """ return " ".join(list(pattern.values())[1:]).replace("-=", "!?").replace("=", "?")
[docs]def change_goal(pattern: Dict[str, str], curr_goal: Dict[str, str]): """Modifies the current goal buffer using the given pattern. Args: pattern: A dict representing a pattern. curr_goal: A dict representing the current goal pattern. Returns: The current goal updated with the data in pattern. """ if curr_goal == 0: return {} curr_goal.update(pattern) if "buffer" in curr_goal.keys(): del curr_goal["buffer"] return curr_goal
[docs]def retrieve_chunk( pattern: Dict[str, str], dm_chunks: List[Dict[str, str]], types: Dict[str, List[str]], ) -> Dict[str, str]: """Retrieve a chunk from declarative memory given a pattern. Args: pattern: A dict representing the pattern to match. dm_chunks: A list of dicts, each representing a chunk in declarative memory. types: A dict containing each possible chunk type. Returns: The chunk in declarative memory that matches the pattern. """ if pattern == {}: return {} retrieve = Buffer() memory = Memory(retrieve) for chunk in dm_chunks: memory.add(chunk_to_string(chunk)) memory.sch = Scheduler() matches = memory.find_matching_chunks(pattern_to_string(pattern)) if matches == []: return {} match = matches[0] isa = match[0] retrieved = {"ISA": isa} for i in range(1, len(match.values())): retrieved[types[isa][i - 1]] = match[i] return retrieved
[docs]def match_production( production: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] ) -> bool: """Returns True if the production's left hand side matches the given context and adds the matching bindings to the production. Args: production: A dict representing a production. context: A dict with the contents of the goal and retrieval buffers. Returns: True if the production's left hand side matches the context. """ patterns = {} for p in production["lhs"]: patterns[p["buffer"]] = pattern_to_string(p) patt = Pattern(patterns) match_bindings = patt.match(context) if match_bindings is None: return False production["bindings"] = match_bindings return True
[docs]def pattern_matching_function( productions: List[Dict[str, Any]], goal: Dict[str, str], retrieval: Dict[str, str] ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Returns the productions that match the given goal and retrieval buffers. Args: productions: A list of all productions as dicts. goal: The current value of the goal buffer as a dict. retrieval: The chunk dict retrieved from declarative memory. Returns: A list of productions that match the buffers. """ context = { "goal": Chunk(chunk_to_string(goal)), "retrieval": Chunk(chunk_to_string(retrieval)) if retrieval != {} else None, } return [p for p in productions if match_production(p, context)]
[docs]def conflict_resolution_function(productions: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ACT-R conflict resolution function. Currently selects a production at random from the already matched productions, since utility values and learning are not implemented yet. Args: productions: A list of productions as dicts. Returns: The selected production from the list. """ if len(productions) == 0: return {} else: return random.choice(productions)
[docs]def update_buffer(production: Dict[str, Any], buffer: str) -> Dict[str, str]: """Returns a pattern to update the given buffer with. Args: production: The production dict that specifies the buffer update. buffer: The name of the buffer to update. Returns: A pattern that the buffer will be updated with. """ if len(production) == 0: return {} pattern = {} for p in production["rhs"]: if p["buffer"] == buffer: pattern = p.copy() for k, v in pattern.items(): v_name = v.replace("=", "") if v_name in production["bindings"].keys(): pattern[k] = production["bindings"][v_name] return pattern
[docs]def update_goal(production: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, str]: """Returns a pattern to update the goal buffer with. Args: production: The production dict that specifies the goal buffer update. Returns: A pattern that the goal buffer will be updated with. """ return update_buffer(production, "goal")
[docs]def update_retrieval(production: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, str]: """Returns a pattern to update the retrieval buffer with. Args: production: The production dict that specifies the retrieval buffer update. Returns: A pattern that the retrieval buffer will be updated with. """ return update_buffer(production, "retrieval")
[docs]def check_termination(production: Dict[str, Any]): """Function used to check if no production was selected. Args: production: A production dict that was selected. Returns: True if the production is empty. """ return production == {}