Source code for modeci_mdf.utils

    Useful utility functions for dealing with MDF objects.

from modeci_mdf.mdf import Model, Graph, Node, Edge, OutputPort, Function, InputPort

[docs]def create_example_node(node_id: str, graph: Graph) -> Node: """ Create a simple example node with Input inside a graph Args: node_id: The unique id for the first node in the graph. graph: The graph to add the example node. Returns: The node (with id=node_id) created in the graph. """ a = Node(id=node_id) graph.nodes.append(a) a.parameters = {"logistic_gain": 3, "slope": 0.5, "intercept": 0} ip1 = InputPort(id="input_port1", shape="(1,)") a.input_ports.append(ip1) f1 = Function( id="logistic_1", function="logistic", args={"variable0":, "gain": "logistic_gain", "bias": 0, "offset": 0}, ) a.functions.append(f1) f2 = Function( id="linear_1", function="linear", args={"variable0":, "slope": "slope", "intercept": "intercept"}, ) a.functions.append(f2) a.output_ports.append(OutputPort(id="output_1", value="linear_1")) return a
[docs]def simple_connect(pre_node, post_node, graph) -> Edge: """ Create an edge connecting two nodes in a graph. Args: pre_node: The source node. post_node: The destination node. graph: The graph to and the edge. Returns: The edge that has been added to the graph. """ e1 = Edge( id=f"edge_{}_{}",, sender_port=pre_node.output_ports[0].id,, receiver_port=post_node.input_ports[0].id, ) graph.edges.append(e1) return e1
[docs]def load_mdf(filename: str) -> Model: """ Load an MDF file from JSON or YAML. File type is detected automatically based on extension. """ return Model.from_file(filename)
[docs]def load_mdf_json(filename: str) -> Model: """ Load an MDF JSON file """ return Model.from_json_file(filename)
[docs]def load_mdf_yaml(filename: str) -> Model: """ Load an MDF YAML file """ return Model.from_yaml_file(filename)
[docs]def color_rgb_to_hex(rgb): """Convert a rgb color to hexadecimal format.""" color = "#" # print("Converting %s to hex color" % rgb) for a in rgb.split(): color = color + "%02x" % int(float(a) * 255) return color
[docs]def is_number(s): """Return :code:`True` if cast to :code:`float` does not throw ValueError, :code:`False` otherwise.""" try: float(s) return True except (TypeError, ValueError): return False