Source code for modeci_mdf.mdf

    The main object-oriented implementation of the MDF schema, with each core component of the `MDF specification <../Specification.html>`_
    implemented as a :code:`class`. Instances of these objects can be composed to create a representation of
    an MDF model as Python objects. These models can then be serialized and deserialized to and from JSON or YAML,
    executed via the :mod:`~modeci_mdf.execution_engine` module, or imported and exported to supported external
    environments using the :mod:`~modeci_mdf.interfaces` module.
import copy
import numpy as np

from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Set, Any, Union, Optional

import modelspec
from modelspec import has, field, fields, optional, instance_of, in_
from modelspec.base_types import (

from ast import literal_eval as make_tuple

from modeci_mdf import MODECI_MDF_VERSION
from modeci_mdf import __version__

__all__ = [

class MdfBase(Base):
    Base class for all MDF core classes that implements common functionality.

        metadata: Optional metadata field, an arbitrary dictionary of string keys and JSON serializable values.


    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = field(
        kw_only=True, default=None, validator=optional(instance_of(dict))

[docs]@modelspec.define(eq=False) class Function(MdfBase): r""" A single value which is evaluated as a function of values on :class:`InputPort`(s) and other Functions Attributes: id: The unique (for this Node) id of the function, which will be used in other :class:`~Function`s and the :class:`~OutputPort`s for its value function: Which of the in-build MDF functions (:code:`linear`, etc.). See supported functions: args: Dictionary of values for each of the arguments for the Function, e.g. if the in-built function is linear(slope),the args here could be {"slope":3} or {"slope":"input_port_0 + 2"} value: If the function is a value expression, this attribute will contain the expression and the function and args attributes will be None. """ id: str = field(validator=instance_of(str)) function: Optional[str] = field( default=None, validator=optional(instance_of((str, dict))) ) args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = field(default=None) value: Optional[ValueExprType] = field( default=None, validator=optional(instance_of(value_expr_types)) ) @classmethod def _parse_cattr_structure(cls, o): if "function" in o: if isinstance(o["function"], dict): # TODO: handle args already present and conflicting? func_name = list(o["function"].keys())[0] o["args"] = o["function"][func_name] o["function"] = func_name return o
[docs]@modelspec.define(eq=False) class InputPort(MdfBase): r""" The :class:`InputPort` is an attribute of a Node which allows external information to be input to the Node Attributes: id: The unique (for this Node) id of the input port, shape: The shape of the input port. This uses the same syntax as numpy ndarray shapes (e.g., :code:`numpy.zeros(shape)` would produce an array with the correct shape type: The data type of the input received at a port. """ id: str = field(validator=instance_of(str)) shape: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = field( validator=optional(instance_of(tuple)), default=None, converter=lambda x: make_tuple(x) if type(x) == str else x, ) type: Optional[str] = field(validator=optional(instance_of(str)), default=None)
[docs]@modelspec.define(eq=False) class OutputPort(MdfBase): r""" The :class:`OutputPort` is an attribute of a :class:`Node` which exports information to another :class:`Node` connected by an :class:`Edge` Attributes: id: Unique identifier for the output port. value: The value of the :class:`OutputPort` in terms of the :class:`InputPort`, :class:`Function` values, and :class:`Parameter` values. shape: The shape of the output port. This uses the same syntax as numpy ndarray shapes (e.g., :code:`numpy.zeros(shape)` would produce an array with the correct shape type: The data type of the output sent by a port. """ id: str = field(validator=instance_of(str)) value: Optional[str] = field(validator=optional(instance_of(str)), default=None) shape: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = field( validator=optional(instance_of(tuple)), default=None, converter=lambda x: make_tuple(x) if type(x) == str else x, ) type: Optional[str] = field(validator=optional(instance_of(str)), default=None)
[docs]@modelspec.define(eq=False) class ParameterCondition(Base): r""" A condition to test on a Node's parameters, which if true, sets the value of this Parameter Attributes: id: A unique identifier for the ParameterCondition test: The boolean expression to evaluate value: The new value of the Parameter if the test is true """ id: str = field(validator=instance_of(str)) test: Optional[ValueExprType] = field(default=None) value: Optional[ValueExprType] = field(default=None)
[docs]@modelspec.define(eq=False) class Parameter(MdfBase): r""" A parameter of the :class:`Node`, which can be: 1) a specific fixed :code:`value` (a constant (int/float) or an array) 2) a string expression for the :code:`value` referencing other named :class:`Parameter`(s). which may be stateful (i.e. can change value over multiple executions of the :class:`Node`); 3) be evaluated by an inbuilt :code:`function` with :code:`args`; 4) or change from a :code:`default_initial_value` with a :code:`time_derivative`. Attributes: value: The next value of the parameter, in terms of the inputs, functions and PREVIOUS parameter values default_initial_value: The initial value of the parameter, only used when parameter is stateful. time_derivative: How the parameter changes with time, i.e. ds/dt. Units of time are seconds. function: Which of the in-build MDF functions (linear etc.) this uses, See args: Dictionary of values for each of the arguments for the function of the parameter, e.g. if the in-build function is :code:`linear(slope)`, the args here could be :code:`{"slope": 3}` or :code:`{"slope": "input_port_0 + 2"}` conditions: Parameter specific conditions """ id: str = field(validator=instance_of(str)) value: Optional[ValueExprType] = field(default=None) default_initial_value: Optional[ValueExprType] = field(default=None) time_derivative: Optional[str] = field( validator=optional(instance_of(str)), default=None ) function: Optional[str] = field(validator=optional(instance_of(str)), default=None) args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = field( validator=optional(instance_of(dict)), default=None ) conditions: List[ParameterCondition] = field( factory=list, validator=instance_of(list) )
[docs] def summary(self): """ Short summary of Parameter... """ info = "Parameter: {} = {} (stateful: {})".format(, self.value, self.is_stateful(), ) if self.default_initial_value is not None: info += f", def init: {self.default_initial_value}" if self.time_derivative is not None: info += f", time deriv: {self.time_derivative}" if self.conditions is not None: for c in self.conditions: info += f", {c}" return info
[docs] def is_stateful(self) -> bool: """ Is the parameter stateful? A parameter is considered stateful if it has a :code:`time_derivative`, :code:`default_initial_value`, or its id is referenced in its value expression. Returns: :code:`True` if stateful, `False` if not. """ from modeci_mdf.execution_engine import get_required_variables_from_expression if self.time_derivative is not None: return True if self.default_initial_value is not None: return True if self.value is not None and type(self.value) == str: sf = in get_required_variables_from_expression(self.value) """ print( "Checking whether %s is stateful, %s: %s" % (self, param_expr.free_symbols, sf) )""" return sf return False
@staticmethod def _unstructure(o: "Parameter"): """A custom unstructuring hook for parameters that removes default values of None from the output.""" # Unstructure the parameter and any value expressions it contains. d = value_expr_converter.unstructure(o) # Remove any fields that are None by default d = { name: val for name, val in d.items() if not ((val is None) or (type(val) == list and len(val) == 0)) } return d
[docs]@modelspec.define(eq=False) class Node(MdfBase): r""" A self contained unit of evaluation receiving input from other nodes on :class:`InputPort`(s). The values from these are processed via a number of :class:`Function`(s) and one or more final values are calculated on the :class:`OutputPort`(s) Attributes: id: A unique identifier for the node. input_ports: Dictionary of the :class:`InputPort` objects in the Node parameters: Dictionary of :class:`Parameter`(s) for the node functions: The :class:`Function`(s) for computation the node output_ports: The :class:`OutputPort`(s) containing evaluated quantities from the node """ id: str = field(validator=instance_of(str)) input_ports: List[InputPort] = field(factory=list, validator=instance_of(list)) functions: List[Function] = field(factory=list, validator=instance_of(list)) parameters: List[Parameter] = field(factory=list, validator=instance_of(list)) output_ports: List[OutputPort] = field(factory=list, validator=instance_of(list))
[docs] def get_parameter(self, id: str) -> Union[Parameter, None]: r"""Get a parameter by its string :code:`id` Args: id: The unique string id of the :class:`Parameter` Returns: The :class:`Parameter` object stored on this node. :code:`None` if not found. """ for p in self.parameters: if == id: return p return None
[docs] def get_input_port(self, id: str) -> "InputPort": """Retrieve :class:`InputPort` object corresponding to the given id Args: id: Unique identifier of class:`InputPort` object Returns: class:`InputPort` object if the entered id matches with the id of class:`InputPort` present in the class:`Node` """ for ip in self.input_ports: if id == return ip
[docs] def get_output_port(self, id: str) -> "OutputPort": """Retrieve :class:`OutputPort` object corresponding to the given id Args: id: Unique identifier of class:`OutputPort` object Returns: class:`OutputPort` object if the entered id matches with the id of class:`OutputPort` present in the class:`Node` """ for op in self.output_ports: if id == return op
[docs]@modelspec.define(eq=False) class Edge(MdfBase): r""" An :class:`Edge` is an attribute of a :class:`Graph` that transmits computational results from a sender's :class:`OutputPort` to a receiver's :class:`InputPort`. Attributes: id: A unique string identifier for this edge. sender: The :code:`id` of the :class:`~Node` which is the source of the edge. receiver: The :code:`id` of the :class:`~Node` which is the target of the edge. sender_port: The id of the :class:`~OutputPort` on the sender :class:`~Node`, whose value should be sent to the :code:`receiver_port` receiver_port: The id of the InputPort on the receiver :class:`~Node` parameters: Dictionary of parameters for the edge. """ id: str = field(validator=instance_of(str)) sender: str = field(validator=instance_of(str)) receiver: str = field(validator=instance_of(str)) sender_port: str = field(validator=instance_of(str)) receiver_port: str = field(validator=instance_of(str)) parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = field( validator=optional(instance_of(dict)), default=None )
[docs]@modelspec.define(eq=False) class Condition(MdfBase): r"""A set of descriptors which specifies conditional execution of Nodes to meet complex execution requirements. Attributes: type: The type of :class:`Condition` from the library kwargs: The dictionary of keyword arguments needed to evaluate the :class:`Condition` """ type: str = field(validator=instance_of(str)) kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = field( validator=optional(instance_of(dict)), default=None ) def __init__( self, type: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], ): # We need to right our own __init__ in this case because the current API for Condition requires saving # kwargs. This code is very attrs specific and hacky. Wish there was a better way to do this. # Remove any field from kwargs that is pre-defined field on the MDF Condition class. for a in self.__attrs_attrs__: if != "kwargs": kwargs.pop(, None) # If there is a kwargs argument inside the kwargs argument (this happens when loading MDF from JSON because) # kwargs is stored in JSON as a simple dict in a field called kwargs. kwargs.update(kwargs.pop("kwargs", {})) self.__attrs_init__(type, kwargs) @classmethod def _parse_cattr_structure(cls, o): def _parse_as_condition(arg): try: return Condition(**cls._parse_cattr_structure(arg)) except (TypeError, ValueError): return arg if "kwargs" in o: for k in o["kwargs"]: if isinstance(o["kwargs"][k], list): o["kwargs"][k] = [_parse_as_condition(a) for a in o["kwargs"][k]] else: try: # read Model object as just object id o["kwargs"][k] = o["kwargs"][k]["id"] except (KeyError, TypeError): o["kwargs"][k] = _parse_as_condition(o["kwargs"][k]) return o @classmethod def _parse_cattr_unstructure(cls, o): def _clean_nested_Condition_objects(cond): res = copy.copy(cond) for k, v in res.kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, Condition): res.kwargs[k] = _clean_nested_Condition_objects(v) elif isinstance(v, Base): # replace mdf objects with their id to avoid making duplicates res.kwargs[k] = return res return _clean_nested_Condition_objects(o)
[docs]@modelspec.define(eq=False) class ConditionSet(MdfBase): r""" Specifies the non-default pattern of execution of Nodes Attributes: node_specific: A dictionary mapping nodes to any non-default run conditions termination: A dictionary mapping time scales of model execution to conditions indicating when they end """ node_specific: Optional[Dict[str, Condition]] = field( validator=optional(instance_of(dict)), default=None ) termination: Optional[Dict[str, Condition]] = field( validator=optional(instance_of(dict)), default=None ) @classmethod def _parse_cattr_unstructure(cls, o): res = copy.copy(o) if res.termination is not None: res.termination = {str(k): v for k, v in res.termination.items()} return res
[docs]@modelspec.define(eq=False) class Graph(MdfBase): r""" A directed graph consisting of :class:`~Node`s (with :class:`~Parameter`s and :class:`~Function`s evaluated internally) connected via :class:`~Edge`s. Attributes: id: A unique identifier for this Graph nodes: One or more :class:`Node`(s) present in the graph edges: Zero or more :class:`Edge`(s) present in the graph parameters: Dictionary of global parameters for the Graph conditions: The ConditionSet stored as dictionary for scheduling of the Graph """ id: str = field(validator=instance_of(str)) nodes: List[Node] = field(factory=list) edges: List[Edge] = field(factory=list) parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None conditions: Optional[ConditionSet] = None
[docs] def get_node(self, id: str) -> Union[Node, None]: """Retrieve Node object corresponding to the given id Args: id: Unique identifier of Node object Returns: :class:`Node` object if the entered :code:`id` matches with the :code:`id` of node present in the :class:`~Graph`. :code:`None` if a node is not found with that id . """ for node in self.nodes: if id == return node return None
@property def dependency_dict(self) -> Dict[Node, Set[Node]]: """Returns the dependency among nodes as dictionary Key: receiver, Value: Set of senders imparting information to the receiver Returns: Returns the dependency dictionary """ # assumes no cycles, need to develop a way to prune if cyclic # graphs are to be supported dependencies = {n: set() for n in self.nodes} for edge in self.edges: sender = self.get_node(edge.sender) receiver = self.get_node(edge.receiver) dependencies[receiver].add(sender) return dependencies @property def inputs(self: "Graph") -> List[Tuple[Node, InputPort]]: """ Enumerate all Node-InputPort pairs that specify no incoming edge. These are input ports for the graph itself and must be provided values to evaluate Returns: A list of Node, InputPort tuples """ # Get all input ports all_ips = [(, for node in self.nodes for ip in node.input_ports] # Get all receiver ports all_receiver_ports = {(e.receiver, e.receiver_port) for e in self.edges} # Find any input ports that aren't receiving values from an edge return list(filter(lambda x: x not in all_receiver_ports, all_ips))
[docs]@modelspec.define(eq=False) class Model(MdfBase): r""" The top level construct in MDF is Model, which may contain multiple :class:`Graph` objects and model attribute(s) Attributes: id: A unique identifier for this Model graphs: The collection of graphs that make up the MDF model. format: Information on the version of MDF used in this file generating_application: Information on what application generated/saved this file onnx_opset_version: The ONNX opset used for any ONNX functions in this model. """ id: str = field(validator=instance_of(str)) graphs: List[Graph] = field(factory=list) format: str = field( default=f"ModECI MDF v{MODECI_MDF_VERSION}", metadata={"omit_if_default": False} ) generating_application: str = field( default=f"Python modeci-mdf v{__version__}", metadata={"omit_if_default": False} ) onnx_opset_version: Optional[str] = field(default=None)
[docs] def to_graph_image( self, engine: str = "dot", output_format: str = "png", view_on_render: bool = False, level: int = 2, filename_root: Optional[str] = None, only_warn_on_fail: bool = False, is_horizontal: bool = False, solid_color=False, ): """Convert MDF graph to an image (png or svg) using the Graphviz export Args: engine: dot or other Graphviz formats output_format: e.g. png (default) or svg view_on_render: if True, will open generated image in system viewer level: 1,2,3, depending on how much detail to include filename_root: will change name of file generated to filename_root.png, etc. only_warn_on_fail: just give a warning if this fails, e.g. no dot executable. Useful for preventing errors in automated tests solid_color: if True, will return a solid color for the graphviz node. default is False """ from modeci_mdf.interfaces.graphviz.exporter import mdf_to_graphviz try: mdf_to_graphviz( self.graphs[0], engine=engine, output_format=output_format, view_on_render=view_on_render, level=level, filename_root=filename_root, is_horizontal=is_horizontal, solid_color=solid_color, ) except Exception as e: if only_warn_on_fail: import traceback print(traceback.format_exc()) print( "Failure to generate image! Ensure Graphviz executables (dot etc.) are installed on native system. Error: \n%s" % e ) else: raise (e)
# Add a special hook for handling unstructuring of Parameters and Functions converter.register_unstructure_hook(Parameter, Parameter._unstructure)
[docs]def parsed_structure_factory(cl): base_structure = converter._structure_func.dispatch(cl) def new_structure(obj, t): obj = cl._parse_cattr_structure(obj) return base_structure(obj, t) return new_structure
[docs]def parsed_unstructure_factory(cl): base_unstructure = converter._unstructure_func.dispatch(cl) def new_unstructure(obj): obj = cl._parse_cattr_unstructure(obj) return base_unstructure(obj) return new_unstructure
for k, v in list(locals().items()): # add structure hook for MdfBase classes where present try: v._parse_cattr_structure except AttributeError: pass else: converter.register_structure_hook(v, parsed_structure_factory(v)) # add unstructure hook for MdfBase classes where present try: v._parse_cattr_unstructure except AttributeError: pass else: converter.register_unstructure_hook(v, parsed_unstructure_factory(v))