Source code for modeci_mdf.interfaces.onnx.importer

Code for importing ONNX models into MDF.
import typing

import onnx

from onnx import (
from onnx.defs import get_schema

from modeci_mdf.mdf import *

[docs]def id_to_port(id: str): """Turn unique ONNX output and input value names into valid MDF input and outport names""" new_name = str(id).replace(".", "_") # Get rid of double colon in id names, this causes issues with execution engine. new_name = new_name.replace("::", "_") # If the first character is a digit, precede with an underscore so this can never be interpreted # as number down the line. if new_name[0].isdigit(): new_name = "_" + new_name return new_name
[docs]def get_shape_params(shape: onnx.TensorShapeProto) -> typing.Tuple: """ Small helper function to extract a tuple from the TensorShapeProto. These objects can contain both integer dimensions and parameter dimensions that are variable, like 'batch_size'. Args: shape: The ONNX shape proto to process. Returns: A tuple that can contain both integers and strings for parameter dimensions. """ shape = tuple(d.dim_param if d.dim_param != "" else d.dim_value for d in shape.dim) # If shape is empty tuple, its a scalar, make it size 1 if len(shape) == 0: shape = (1,) return shape
[docs]def get_onnx_attribute(a): # Use the helpers to get the appropriate value val = onnx.helper.get_attribute_value(a) # get_attribute_value() can return TensorProto's, lets convert them to a list for JSON # FIXME: This begs the question, is JSON a good format for storing large tensors (nope) if type(val) == TensorProto: return numpy_helper.to_array(val).tolist() else: return val
[docs]def onnx_node_to_mdf( node: typing.Union[onnx.NodeProto, onnx.ValueInfoProto], onnx_initializer: typing.Dict[str, typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]], ) -> Node: """ Construct an MDF node (and function) from an ONNX NodeProto or ValueInfoProto Args: node: The ONNX node to use to form the MDF node. Can be a node from the model or a ValueInfoProto specifying an input or output. onnx_initializer: A specification of values in the graph that ONNX has marked as initializer's. This dict is keyed on the name of the parameter, the value is another dict with three entries; shape, type, and value. Returns: The equivalent MDF node for the ONNX node passed in as argument. """ # If this is a ONNX Node, if type(node) == onnx.NodeProto: # Create and MDF node with parameters # FIXME: We need to preserve type info somewhere params_dict = { get_onnx_attribute(a) for a in node.attribute} # For any attributes that are sub-graphs, we need to recurse for aname, val in params_dict.items(): if type(val) == GraphProto: params_dict[aname] = onnx_to_mdf(val, onnx_initializer=onnx_initializer) # If we have we have value constants that feed into this node. Make them parameters # instead of input ports non_constant_inputs = [] func_args = {} for inp_i, inp in enumerate(node.input): # Get the name of the formal argument that corresponds to this input. # We need to go to the schema for this. # FIXME: We need to make sure we are going the correct schema here ... yuck! try: arg_name = get_schema(node.op_type).inputs[inp_i].name except IndexError: arg_name = f"arg_{inp}" if inp in onnx_initializer and "value" in onnx_initializer[inp]: params_dict[arg_name] = onnx_initializer[inp]["value"] func_args[arg_name] = arg_name else: non_constant_inputs.append(inp) func_args[arg_name] = id_to_port(inp) # FIXME: parameters must be set or we get JSON serialization error later mdf_node = Node( for p in params_dict: if type(params_dict[p]) == Graph: mdf_node.parameters.append( Parameter( id=p, value={"graph_%s" % params_dict[p].id: params_dict[p]} ) ) else: mdf_node.parameters.append(Parameter(id=p, value=params_dict[p])) # Add the function # FIXME: There is probably more stuff we need to preserve for ONNX Ops func = Parameter(, function=f"onnx::{node.op_type}", args=func_args) mdf_node.parameters.append(func) # Recreate inputs and outputs of ONNX node as InputPorts and OutputPorts for inp in non_constant_inputs: param_info = onnx_initializer.get(inp, None) shape = param_info["shape"] if param_info else None ip = InputPort(id=id_to_port(inp), shape=shape, type="float") mdf_node.input_ports.append(ip) for out in node.output: op = OutputPort(id=id_to_port(out), mdf_node.output_ports.append(op) elif type(node) == onnx.ValueInfoProto: raise NotImplementedError() # # Lets start with an MDF node that uses the ONNX node name as its id. No parameters # mdf_node = Node( # # # This is an input or output node. No Op\Function or parameters. This is just # # a simple pass through node with an input and output port with the correct # # shape. # # FIXME: Should this be necessary? ONNX treats input and output nodes as simple named values. # ip1 = InputPort(id=f"in_port", # shape=str(get_shape_params(node.type.tensor_type.shape))) # FIXME: Why string? # mdf_node.input_ports.append(ip1) # op1 = OutputPort( # op1.value = f"in_port" # mdf_node.output_ports.append(op1) return mdf_node
[docs]def onnx_to_mdf( onnx_model: typing.Union[ModelProto, GraphProto], onnx_initializer: typing.Dict[str, typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]] = None, ): """ Convert a loaded ONNX model into a MDF model. Args: onnx_model: The ONNX model to convert. Typically, this is the result of a call to onnx.load() onnx_initializer: A specification of values in the graph that ONNX has marked as initializer's. This dict is keyed on the name of the parameter, the value is another dict with three entries; shape, type, and value. Returns: An MDF description of the ONNX model. """ if onnx_initializer is None: onnx_initializer = {} if type(onnx_model) == ModelProto: # Do shape inference on the model so we can get shapes of intermediate outputs # FIXME: This function has side-effects, it probably shouldn't try: onnx_model = shape_inference.infer_shapes(onnx_model) except RuntimeError: pass graph = onnx_model.graph else: graph = onnx_model # Get all the nodes in the onnx model, even the inputs and outputs onnx_nodes = list(graph.node) if hasattr(graph, "initializer"): # Parameters that have been initialized with values. # FIXME: We need a cleaner way to extract this info. onnx_initializer_t = {} for t in graph.initializer: t_np = numpy_helper.to_array(t) onnx_initializer_t[] = {"shape": t_np.shape, "type": str(t_np.dtype)} # And the input and intermediate node shapes as well for vinfo in list(graph.input) + list(graph.value_info): vshape = get_shape_params(vinfo.type.tensor_type.shape) try: vtype = onnx.helper.printable_type(vinfo.type) except AssertionError: # Couldn't extract type vtype = None onnx_initializer_t[] = {"shape": vshape, "type": vtype} onnx_initializer = {**onnx_initializer, **onnx_initializer_t} # Finally, some nodes are constants, extract the values and drop the nodes. # They will be removed in the MDF and passed as named parameters to the Node constants = {} onnx_nodes_nc = [] for onnx_node in onnx_nodes: if onnx_node.op_type == "Constant": v = get_onnx_attribute(onnx_node.attribute[0]) constants[onnx_node.output[0]] = { "shape": v.shape if hasattr(v, "shape") else (1,), "type": str(v.dtype) if hasattr(v, "dtype") else str(type(v)), "value": v, } else: onnx_nodes_nc.append(onnx_node) onnx_nodes = onnx_nodes_nc # Add constants to the initializer dict onnx_initializer = {**onnx_initializer, **constants} mod_graph = Graph( # Construct the equivalent nodes in MDF mdf_nodes = [ onnx_node_to_mdf(node=node, onnx_initializer=onnx_initializer) for node in onnx_nodes ] mod_graph.nodes.extend(mdf_nodes) # Construct the edges, we will do this by going through all the nodes. node_pairs = list(zip(onnx_nodes, mod_graph.nodes)) for onnx_node, mdf_node in node_pairs: if len(onnx_node.output) > 0: for i, out in enumerate(onnx_node.output): out_port_id = mdf_node.output_ports[i].id # Find all node input ports with this outport id # FIXME: This is slow for big graphs with lots of edges. Best to build a data structure for this. receiver = [ (m, ip) for n, m in node_pairs for ip in m.input_ports if out_port_id == ] # Make an edge for each receiver of this output port for receiver_node, receiver_port in receiver: edge = Edge( id=f"{}.{out_port_id}_{}.{}",, sender_port=out_port_id,,, ) mod_graph.edges.append(edge) # If they passed an ONNX model, wrap the graph in a MDF model if type(onnx_model) == ModelProto: mod = Model(id="ONNX Model") mod.graphs.append(mod_graph) return mod else: return mod_graph
[docs]def find_subgraphs( graph: onnx.GraphProto, graph_dict: typing.Dict[str, GraphProto] = None ) -> typing.Dict[str, GraphProto]: """ Recurse through an ONNX graph and find all subgraphs. Args: graph: The graph to search. graph_list: Insert graphs we find into this dict. Use the parent node name as a key. If None, intitialize to empty dict. Returns: All the subgraphs in the for the graph. """ if graph_dict is None: graph_dict = {} for node in graph.node: for ai, attr in enumerate(node.attribute): if attr.type == AttributeProto.GRAPH: subgraph = onnx.helper.get_attribute_value(attr) graph_dict[f"{}_attr{ai}"] = subgraph graph_dict = find_subgraphs(subgraph, graph_dict) elif attr.type == AttributeProto.GRAPHS: subgraphs = onnx.helper.get_attribute_value(attr) for gi, subgraph in enumerate(subgraphs): graph_dict[f"{}_attr{ai}_g{gi}"] = subgraph graph_dict = find_subgraphs(subgraph, graph_dict) return graph_dict
[docs]def convert_file(input_file: str): """ Simple converter from ONNX to MDF. Takes in ONNX files and generates MDF JSON/YAML files. Args: input_file: The input file path to the ONNX file. Output files are generated in same directory with -mdf.json and -mdf.yml extensions. Returns: MoneType """ import os out_filename = f"{os.path.splitext(input_file)[0]}-mdf" onnx_model = onnx.load(input_file) onnx.checker.check_model(onnx_model) mdf_model = onnx_to_mdf(onnx_model) mdf_model.to_json_file(f"{out_filename}.json") mdf_model.to_yaml_file(f"{out_filename}.yaml")
# The data used for getting the name and categories of graphs are gotten here' # the data used for getting the color of categories of graphs are gotten here '' new_dict = { "AveragePool": "Pool", "BatchNormalization": "Normalization", "Clip": "Activation", "Concat": "Tensor", "Constant": "Constant", "Conv": "Layer", "ConvInteger": "Layer", "ConvTranspose": "Layer", "Dropout": "Dropout", "Elu": "Activation", "Flatten": "Shape", "GRU": "Layer", "Gather": "Transform", "Gemm": "Layer", "GlobalAveragePool": "Pool", "GlobalLpPool": "Pool", "GlobalMaxPool": "Pool", "HardSigmoid": "Activation", "InstanceNormalization": "Normalization", "LRN": "Normalization", "LSTM": "Layer", "LeakyRelu": "Activation", "LogSoftmax": "Activation", "LpNormalization": "Normalization", "LpPool": "Pool", "MaxPool": "Pool", "MaxRoiPool": "Pool", "PRelu": "Activation", "Pad": "Tensor", "RNN": "Layer", "Relu": "Activation", "Reshape": "Shape", "Selu": "Activation", "Sigmoid": "Activation", "Slice": "Tensor", "Softmax": "Activation", "Softplus": "Activation", "Softsign": "Activation", "Split": "Tensor", "Squeeze": "Transform", "Tanh": "Activation", "ThresholdedRelu": "Activation", "Tile": "Shape", "Transpose": "Transform", "Unsqueeze": "Transform", "Upsample": "Data", "FusedConv": "Layer", } color_dict = { "Activation": ".4 .2 .1", "Layer": ".2 .3 .5", "Pool": ".2 .3 .2", "Normalization": ".2 .3 .3", "Tensor": ".3 .3 .2", "Transform": ".2 .3 .3", "Shape": ".4 .3 .3", "Dropout": ".3 .3 .4", "Data": ".3 .3 .3", }
[docs]def get_category_of_onnx_node(entry): for key, value in new_dict.items(): if key in entry: return value
[docs]def get_color_for_onnx_category(shape): a = {} for key, val in color_dict.items(): if shape == key: a["color"] = val return a
[docs]def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Simple converter from ONNX to MDF. " "Takes in ONNX files and generates MDF JSON/YAML" ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "input_file", type=str, help="An input ONNX file. " "Output files are generated in same directory " "with -mdf.json and -mdf.yml extensions.", ) args = parser.parse_args() convert_file(args.input_file)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()