Source code for modeci_mdf.interfaces.graphviz.exporter

Simple export of MDF to GraphViz for generating graphics.

Work in progress...

import sys

import graphviz
import numpy as np

from modeci_mdf.functions.standard import mdf_functions

from modeci_mdf.utils import color_rgb_to_hex

from modelspec.utils import _val_info

engines = {
    "d": "dot",
    "c": "circo",
    "n": "neato",
    "t": "twopi",
    "f": "fdp",
    "s": "sfdp",
    "p": "patchwork",

NO_VIEW = "-noview"

LEVEL_1 = 1
LEVEL_2 = 2
LEVEL_3 = 3

COLOR_MAIN = "#444444"
COLOR_BG_MAIN = "#ffffff"
COLOR_LABEL = "#666666"
COLOR_NUM = "#444444"
COLOR_PARAM = "#1666ff"
COLOR_INPUT = "#188855"
COLOR_FUNC = "#441199"
COLOR_OUTPUT = "#cc3355"
COLOR_COND = "#ffa1d"
COLOR_TERM = COLOR_COND  # same as conditions

[docs]def format_label(s): # return f'<font color="{COLOR_LABEL}"><b>{s}</b></font></td><td>' return ""
[docs]def format_num(s): if type(s) == np.ndarray: ss = "%s" % (np.array2string(s, threshold=4, edgeitems=1)) info = f" (NP {s.shape} {s.dtype})" else: ss = s info = "" return f'<font color="{COLOR_NUM}"><b>{ss}</b>{info}</font>'
[docs]def format_bold(s, use_bold=True): return f"<b>{s}</b>" if use_bold else s
[docs]def format_param(s): return f'<font color="{COLOR_PARAM}">{s}</font>'
[docs]def format_input(s): return f'<font color="{COLOR_INPUT}">{s}</font>'
[docs]def format_function(s): return f'<font color="{COLOR_FUNC}">{s}</font>'
[docs]def format_standard_func(s): return "<i>%s</i>" % (s)
[docs]def format_standard_func_long(s): return "<i>%s</i>" % (s)
[docs]def format_output(s): return f'<font color="{COLOR_OUTPUT}">{s}</font>'
[docs]def format_condition(s): return f'<font color="{COLOR_COND}">{s}</font>'
[docs]def format_term_condition(s): return f'<font color="{COLOR_TERM}">{s}</font>'
[docs]def match_in_expr(expr, node): if type(expr) != str: return "%s" % _val_info(expr) else: # print("Checking %s" % (expr)) expr = " %s " % safe_comparitor(expr) def _replace_var(v, expr, format_method): # print(f"Replacing {v} in {expr}") if expr == v: return format_method(expr) can_start = [" ", "+", "-", "*", "/", "("] can_end = [" ", "+", "-", "*", "/", ")"] for s in can_start: for e in can_end: expr = expr.replace(s + v + e, s + format_method(v) + e) return expr for p in node.parameters: expr = _replace_var(, expr, format_param) for ip in node.input_ports: expr = _replace_var(, expr, format_input) for f in node.functions: expr = _replace_var(, expr, format_function) for op in node.output_ports: expr = _replace_var(, expr, format_output) # print("Checked %s" % (expr)) return expr.strip()
[docs]def safe_comparitor(comp): return comp.replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;")
[docs]def mdf_to_graphviz( mdf_graph, engine="dot", output_format="png", view_on_render=False, level=LEVEL_2, filename_root=None, is_horizontal=False, solid_color=False, ): DEFAULT_POP_SHAPE = "ellipse" DEFAULT_ARROW_SHAPE = "empty" print( f"Converting MDF graph: {} to graphviz (level: {level}, format: {output_format})" ) graph = graphviz.Digraph(, filename="%s.gv" % if not filename_root else filename_root, engine=engine, format=output_format, graph_attr={"rankdir": "LR"} if is_horizontal else None, # to make the graph horizontal ) # graph termination condition(s) added globally global_term_cond_present = False if mdf_graph.conditions is not None and mdf_graph.conditions.termination: global_term_cond_present = True color = COLOR_MAIN penwidth = "2" graph.attr( "node", color=COLOR_TERM, style="rounded", shape="box", fontcolor=COLOR_MAIN, penwidth=penwidth, ) info = '<table border="0" cellborder="0">' info += '<tr><td colspan="2"><b>%s</b></td></tr>' % ( "Applies to All Nodes in the Graph" ) nt = mdf_graph.conditions.termination["environment_state_update"] args = nt.kwargs if nt.type == "Threshold": info += ( "<tr><td>{}{} = Satisfied when <b>{}</b> <b>{}</b> <b>{}</b>".format( format_label(" "), format_term_condition("Termination cond"), args.get("parameter"), safe_comparitor(args.get("comparator")), args.get("threshold"), ) ) info += "</td></tr>" if nt.type == "And": info += "<tr><td>{}{} = All conditions in the Graph are satisfied".format( format_label(" "), format_term_condition("Termination cond"), ) info += "</td></tr>" if nt.type == "All": info += "<tr><td>{}{} = Satisfied when".format( format_label(" "), format_term_condition("Termination cond"), ) i = 0 for item in args.get("dependencies"): while i < (len(args.get("dependencies")) - 1): info += " <b>{}</b> condition on node <b>{}</b> has ran after <b>{}</b> times and ".format( item.type, item.kwargs["dependencies"], item.kwargs["n"] ) i = i + 1 info += " <b>{}</b> condition on node <b>{}</b> has ran after <b>{}</b> times. ".format( item.type, item.kwargs["dependencies"], item.kwargs["n"] ) info += "</td></tr>" info += "</table>" graph.node("termination condition", label="<%s>" % info) for node in mdf_graph.nodes: print(" Node: %s" % color = COLOR_MAIN fillcolor = COLOR_BG_MAIN penwidth = "1" if node.metadata is not None: if "color" in node.metadata: color = color_rgb_to_hex(node.metadata["color"]) penwidth = "2" if solid_color: rgb_ = None if node.metadata is not None and "color" in node.metadata: fillcolor = color rgb_ = node.metadata["color"].split(" ") if ( float(rgb_[0]) * 0.299 + float(rgb_[1]) * 0.587 + float(rgb_[2]) * 0.2 ) > 0.45: fcolor = "black" else: fcolor = "white" else: fcolor = "black" # print(f"Bkgd color: {rgb_} ({color}), font: {fcolor}") graph.attr( "node", color=color, fillcolor=fillcolor, style="rounded,filled", shape="box", fontcolor=fcolor, penwidth=penwidth, ) else: graph.attr( "node", color=color, style="rounded", shape="box", fontcolor=COLOR_MAIN, penwidth=penwidth, ) info = '<table border="0" cellborder="0">' info += '<tr><td colspan="2"><b>%s</b></td></tr>' % ( if node.metadata is not None and level >= LEVEL_3: info += "<tr><td>%s" % format_label("METADATA") for m in node.metadata: info += format_standard_func_long("{} = {}".format(m, node.metadata[m])) info += "</td></tr>" if level >= LEVEL_2: if node.input_ports and len(node.input_ports) > 0: for ip in node.input_ports: additional = "" if ip.shape is not None: additional += "shape: %s, " % str(ip.shape) """if ip.reduce is not None: if ip.reduce != "overwrite": # since this is the default... additional += "reduce: %s, " % str(ip.reduce)""" if ip.type is not None: additional += "type: %s, " % str(ip.type) if len(additional) > 0: additional = "(%s)" % additional[:-2] info += "<tr><td>{}{} {}</td></tr>".format( format_label("IN"), format_input(, additional, ) if node.parameters and len(node.parameters) > 0: for p in node.parameters: try: stateful = p.is_stateful() except: stateful = False if p.function is not None: argstr = ( ", ".join( [match_in_expr(str(p.args[a]), node) for a in p.args] ) if p.args else "???" ) info += "<tr><td>{}{} = {}({})</td></tr>".format( format_label(" "), format_bold(format_param(, stateful), format_standard_func(p.function), argstr, ) if level >= LEVEL_3: func_info = mdf_functions[p.function] info += "<tr><td>%s</td></tr>" % ( format_standard_func_long( "%s(%s) = %s" % ( p.function, ", ".join([a for a in p.args]), func_info["expression_string"], ) ) ) else: v = "" if p.value is not None: val = match_in_expr(p.value, node) v += val if p.default_initial_value is not None: v += "<i>def init value:</i> %s" % match_in_expr( p.default_initial_value, node ) if p.time_derivative is not None: v += ", <i>d/dt:</i> %s" % match_in_expr( p.time_derivative, node ) for cond in p.conditions: test = cond.test.replace(">", "&gt;").replace("<", "&lt;") v += "<br/><i>{}: </i>IF {} THEN {}={}".format(, match_in_expr(test, node), format_param(, match_in_expr(cond.value, node), ) info += "<tr><td>{}{} = {}</td></tr>".format( format_label(" "), format_bold(format_param(, stateful), v, ) if node.functions and len(node.functions) > 0: for f in node.functions: if f.function is not None: argstr = ( ", ".join( [match_in_expr(str(f.args[a]), node) for a in f.args] ) if f.args else "???" ) info += "<tr><td>{}{} = {}({})</td></tr>".format( format_label("FUNC"), format_function(, format_standard_func(f.function), argstr, ) if level >= LEVEL_3: func_info = mdf_functions[f.function] info += '<tr><td colspan="2">%s</td></tr>' % ( format_standard_func_long( "%s(%s) = %s" % ( f.function, ", ".join([a for a in f.args]), func_info["expression_string"], ) ) ) elif f.value is not None: argstr = "(" if f.args: for a in f.args: argstr += "{}={}, ".format(a, f.args[a]) else: argstr += " - no args - " argstr = argstr[:-2] + ")" info += "<tr><td>{}{} = {} {}</td></tr>".format( format_label("FUNC"), format_function(, format_standard_func(f.value), argstr, ) # node specific conditions if mdf_graph.conditions and mdf_graph.conditions.node_specific != None: ns = mdf_graph.conditions.node_specific[] args = ns.kwargs if ns.type == "EveryNCalls": info += "<tr><td>{}{} = <b>{}</b> will run every <b>{}</b> calls of <b>{}</b>".format( format_label(" "), format_condition("condition"),, args.get("n"), args.get("dependencies"), ) info += "</td></tr>" elif ns.type == "AfterNCalls": info += "<tr><td>{}{} = <b>{}</b> will run when or after <b>{}</b> calls of <b>{}</b>".format( format_label(" "), format_condition("condition"),, args.get("n"), args.get("dependencies"), ) info += "</td></tr>" elif ns.type == "AfterCall": info += "<tr><td>{}{} = <b>{}</b> will run after <b>{}</b> calls of <b>{}</b>".format( format_label(" "), format_condition("condition"),, args.get("n"), args.get("dependencies"), ) info += "</td></tr>" elif ns.type == "TimeInterval": info += ( "<tr><td>{}{} = <b>{}</b> will run after <b>{}</b> ms".format( format_label(" "), format_condition("condition"),, args.get("start"), ) ) info += "</td></tr>" elif ns.type == "AfterPass": info += "<tr><td>{}{} = <b>{}</b> will run after <b>{}</b> passes".format( format_label(" "), format_condition("condition"),, args.get("n"), ) info += "</td></tr>" elif ns.type == "Threshold": info += "<tr><td>{}{} = <b>{}</b> satisfied <b>{}</b> <b>{}</b> <b>{}</b>".format( format_label(" "), format_condition("condition"), ns.type, args.get("parameter"), safe_comparitor(args.get("comparator")), args.get("threshold"), ) info += "</td></tr>" else: info += "<tr><td>{}{} = <b>{}</b> will <b>{}</b> run".format( format_label(" "), format_condition("condition"),, ns.type, ) info += "</td></tr>" if node.output_ports and len(node.output_ports) > 0: for op in node.output_ports: info += "<tr><td>{}{} = {} {}</td></tr>".format( format_label("OUT"), format_output(, match_in_expr(op.value, node), "(shape: %s)" % str(op.shape) if op.shape is not None else "" if level >= LEVEL_2 and op.shape is not None else "", ) info += "</table>" graph.node(, label="<%s>" % info) if global_term_cond_present: graph.edge("termination condition",, style="invis") for edge in mdf_graph.edges: print(f" Edge: {} connects {edge.sender} to {edge.receiver}") label = "%s" % if level >= LEVEL_2: label += " ({} -&gt; {})".format( format_output(edge.sender_port), format_input(edge.receiver_port), ) if edge.parameters: for p in edge.parameters: label += "<br/>{}: <b>{}</b>".format( p, format_num(edge.parameters[p]) ) graph.edge( edge.sender, edge.receiver, arrowhead=DEFAULT_ARROW_SHAPE, label="<%s>" % label if level >= LEVEL_2 else "", ) if view_on_render: graph.view() else: name = graph.render() print("Written graph image to: %s" % name)
if __name__ == "__main__": from modeci_mdf.utils import load_mdf, print_summary verbose = True if len(sys.argv) < 3: print( "Usage:\n\n python MDF_JSON_FILE level [%s]\n\n" % NO_VIEW + "where level = 1, 2 or 3. Include %s to supress viewing generated graph on render\n" % NO_VIEW ) exit() example = sys.argv[1] view = NO_VIEW not in sys.argv is_horizontal = "-horizontal" in sys.argv model = load_mdf(example) mod_graph = model.graphs[0] print("------------------") print("Loaded Graph:") print_summary(mod_graph) print("------------------") # nmllite_file = example.replace('.json','.nmllite.json') mdf_to_graphviz( mod_graph, engine=engines["d"], view_on_render=view, level=int(sys.argv[2]), is_horizontal=is_horizontal, solid_color=False, )