Source code for modeci_mdf.functions.standard

Implementation of core MDF function ontology.

This module implements and registers all builtin MDF functions.

import warnings

from typing import List, Dict, Callable

from docstring_parser import parse

# Make sure we import math and numpy for Python expression strings. These imports
# are important, do not remove even though they appear unused.
import math
import numpy

A dict that stores all registered MDF functions.
mdf_functions = {}

[docs]def add_mdf_function( name: str = None, description: str = None, arguments: List[str] = None, expression_string: str = None, ): """Register a function with MDF function ontology. Adds a function to the registered list of available MDF functions. Args: name: name of the function e.g.'sin','cos','linear' description: Information about the function arguments: Inputs provided to obtain the result of function expression_string: Function expression in string format Returns: Updates mdf_functions """ mdf_functions[name] = {} mdf_functions[name]["description"] = description mdf_functions[name]["arguments"] = arguments mdf_functions[name]["expression_string"] = expression_string try: mdf_functions[name]["function"] = create_python_function( name, expression_string, arguments ) except SyntaxError: # invalid syntax in some onnx functions (e.g. onnx_ops.or) mdf_functions[name]["function"] = None
[docs]def create_python_expression(expression_string: str = None) -> str: """Converts the mathematical representation of function into function expression in python Args: expression_string: Mathematical expression of function in string format Returns: function expression in python """ for func in ["exp", "sin", "cos", "tan", "sinh", "cosh", "tanh"]: if "numpy." + func not in expression_string: expression_string = expression_string.replace( "%s(" % func, "numpy.%s(" % func ) for func in ["maximum"]: expression_string = expression_string.replace("%s(" % func, "numpy.%s(" % func) """for func in ["max"]: expression_string = expression_string.replace( "%s(" % func, "numpy.%simum(" % func )""" return expression_string
[docs]def substitute_args(expression_string: str = None, args: Dict[str, str] = None) -> str: """Substitute arg with the value in args dict Args: expression_string: function expression args: Dictionary of arguments Returns: modified expression string after substitution """ # TODO, better checks for string replacement for arg in args: expression_string = expression_string.replace(arg, str(args[arg])) return expression_string
[docs]def create_python_function( name: str = None, expression_string: str = None, arguments: List[str] = None, ) -> "types.FunctionType": """Create a Python function e.g. linear, exponential, sin, cos, ReLu Args: name: name of the function e.g.'sin','cos','linear' expression_string: Function expression in string format arguments: list of inputs provided to obtain result from the function Returns: A function object """ # assumes expression is one line name = name.replace(":", "_") expr = create_python_expression(expression_string) func_str = f"def {name}({','.join(arguments)}):\n\treturn {expr}" res = {} exec(func_str, globals(), res) return res[name]
[docs]def parse_description_and_args(f: Callable): """Parse the description and arguments from a callable.""" # Parse the docstring into markdown format p = parse(f.__doc__) # Extract the description, use the long description if available. # "short_description" only parse the first non-empty line and # "long_description" parse the rest of the docstring i.e. # it skips the first non-empty line and parse the rest of the docstring if p.long_description: description = f"{p.short_description} {p.long_description}" else: description = p.short_description args = [p.arg_name for p in p.params] return description, args
[docs]def add_function_from_callable(f: Callable, module_alias: str = None): """Adds a standard function from a callable. Args: f: A callable object. module_alias: A string to prepend to the function name. Returns: None """ description, args = parse_description_and_args(f) expression_string = f.__name__ + "(" + ",".join(args) + ")" if module_alias: expression_string = module_alias + "." + expression_string add_mdf_function( name=f.__name__, description=description, arguments=args, expression_string=expression_string, )
[docs]def add_public_functions_from_module(module, module_alias: str = None): """Adds all public functions from a module to MDF standard functions. Args: module: A module object. module_alias: A string to prepend to the function names. Returns: None """ try: for name in module.__all__: if callable(module.__dict__[name]): add_function_from_callable( module.__dict__[name], module_alias=module_alias ) except AttributeError: warnings.warn( f"Module {module.__name__} does not have an __all__ attribute. " f"No MDF standard functions were found." )
# Populate the list of known functions if len(mdf_functions) == 0: STANDARD_ARG_0 = "variable0" STANDARD_ARG_1 = "variable1" add_mdf_function( "linear", description="A linear function, calculated from a slope and an intercept", arguments=[STANDARD_ARG_0, "slope", "intercept"], expression_string="(%s * slope + intercept)" % (STANDARD_ARG_0), ) add_mdf_function( "logistic", description="Logistic function", arguments=[STANDARD_ARG_0, "gain", "bias", "offset"], expression_string="1/(1 + exp(-1*gain*(%s + bias) + offset))" % (STANDARD_ARG_0), ) add_mdf_function( "exponential", description="Exponential function", arguments=[STANDARD_ARG_0, "scale", "rate", "bias", "offset"], expression_string="scale * exp((rate * %s) + bias) + offset" % (STANDARD_ARG_0), ) add_mdf_function( "sin", description="Sine function", arguments=[STANDARD_ARG_0, "scale"], expression_string="scale * sin(%s)" % (STANDARD_ARG_0), ) add_mdf_function( "cos", description="Cosine function", arguments=[STANDARD_ARG_0, "scale"], expression_string="scale * cos(%s)" % (STANDARD_ARG_0), ) add_mdf_function( "tan", description="Tangent function", arguments=[STANDARD_ARG_0, "scale"], expression_string="scale * tan(%s)" % (STANDARD_ARG_0), ) add_mdf_function( "sinh", description="Hyperbolic sine function", arguments=[STANDARD_ARG_0, "scale"], expression_string="scale * sinh(%s)" % (STANDARD_ARG_0), ) add_mdf_function( "cosh", description="Hyperbolic cosine function", arguments=[STANDARD_ARG_0, "scale"], expression_string="scale * cosh(%s)" % (STANDARD_ARG_0), ) add_mdf_function( "tanh", description="Hyperbolic tangent function", arguments=[STANDARD_ARG_0, "scale"], expression_string="scale * tanh(%s)" % (STANDARD_ARG_0), ) add_mdf_function( "MatMul", description="Matrix multiplication (work in progress...)", arguments=["A", "B"], expression_string="A @ B", ) add_mdf_function( "Relu", description="Rectified linear function (work in progress...)", arguments=["A"], expression_string="A * (A > 0)", ) # Enumerate all available ONNX operators and add them as MDF functions. from modeci_mdf.functions.onnx import get_onnx_ops for mdf_func_spec in get_onnx_ops(): add_mdf_function(**mdf_func_spec) # Add the ACT-R functions. import modeci_mdf.functions.actr as actr add_public_functions_from_module(actr, module_alias="actr") # Add the DDM functions. import modeci_mdf.functions.ddm as ddm add_public_functions_from_module(ddm, module_alias="ddm") if __name__ == "__main__": import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) pp.pprint(mdf_functions)