Source code for modeci_mdf.execution_engine

"""The reference implementation of the MDF execution engine; allows for executing :class:`~modeci.mdf.Graph`
objects in Python.

This module implements a set of classes for executing loaded MDF models in Python.
The implementation is organized such that each class present in :mod:`~modeci_mdf.mdf`
has a corresponding :code:`Evaluable` version of the class. Each of these classes implements
the execution of these components and tracks their state during execution. The organization of the entire execution of
the model is implemented at the top-level :func:`~modeci_mdf.execution_engine.EvaluableGraph.evaluate` method
of the :class:`EvaluableGraph` class. The external library `graph-scheduler
<>`_ is used to implement the scheduling of nodes under declarative
conditional constraints.

import ast
import builtins
import copy
import functools
import inspect
import itertools
import os
import re
import sys
import math

import attr
import numpy as np

import graph_scheduler
import onnxruntime

from modeci_mdf.functions.standard import mdf_functions, create_python_expression

from modelspec.utils import evaluate as evaluate_params_modelspec
from modelspec.utils import _params_info, _val_info
from modelspec.utils import FORMAT_NUMPY

from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Union, List, Dict, Optional, Any, Tuple
from modeci_mdf.mdf import (

import modeci_mdf.functions.onnx as onnx_ops
import modeci_mdf.functions.actr as actr_funcs
import modeci_mdf.functions.ddm as ddm_funcs


KNOWN_PARAMETERS = ["constant", "math", "numpy"] + dir(builtins)

time_scale_str_regex = r"(TimeScale)?\.(.*)"

[docs]def evaluate_expr( expr: Union[str, List[str], np.ndarray, "tf.tensor"] = None, func_params: Dict[str, Any] = None, array_format: str = FORMAT_DEFAULT, allow_strings_returned: Optional[bool] = False, verbose: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluates an expression given in string format and a :code:`dict` of parameters. Args: expr: Expression or list of expressions to be evaluated func_params: A dict of parameters (e.g. :code:`{'weight': 2}`) array_format: It can be a n-dimensional array or a tensor allow_strings_returned: Don't throw an error if the expression evaluates to a string verbose: If set to True provides in-depth information else verbose message is not displayed Returns: n-dimensional array """ e = evaluate_params_modelspec( expr, func_params, array_format=array_format, verbose=verbose ) if type(e) == str and e not in KNOWN_PARAMETERS and not allow_strings_returned: raise Exception( "Error! Could not evaluate expression [%s] with params %s, returned [%s] which is a %s" % (expr, _params_info(func_params, multiline=True), e, type(e)) ) return e
[docs]def evaluate_onnx_expr( expr: str, base_parameters: Dict[str, Any], evaluated_parameters: Dict, verbose: bool = False, ) -> Any: """Evaluates a simple expression in string format representing an ONNX function call Args: expr (str): Expression to be evaluated base_parameters (Dict[str, Any]): A dict of parameters that may contain variables evaluated_parameters (Dict): A dict mapping variables used in **base_parameters** to actual values verbose (bool, optional): If set to True provides in-depth information else verbose message is not displayed. Defaults to False. Returns: Any: the return value of **expr** """ # Get the ONNX function onnx_name = expr.split("(")[0].split(".")[-1] onnx_function = getattr(onnx_ops, onnx_name) onnx_schema = onnx_ops.get_onnx_schema(onnx_name) onnx_arguments = set( list(onnx_schema.attributes.keys()) + [ for i in onnx_schema.inputs] ) # used to attempt to match inputs to expected onnx input types onnx_typecast_mappings = { onnx_schema.AttrType.INT: int, onnx_schema.AttrType.FLOAT: float, onnx_schema.AttrType.STRING: str, onnx_schema.AttrType.INTS: functools.partial(np.array, dtype=int), onnx_schema.AttrType.FLOATS: functools.partial(np.array, dtype=float), onnx_schema.AttrType.STRINGS: functools.partial(np.array, dtype=str), # TODO: add tensor and graph types? } try: has_variadic = ( onnx_schema.inputs[0].option == onnx_schema.FormalParameterOption.Variadic ) except IndexError: has_variadic = False # ONNX functions expect input args or kwargs first, followed by parameters (called attributes in ONNX) as # kwargs. Lets construct this. kwargs_for_onnx = {} for kw, arg_expr in base_parameters.items(): if isinstance(arg_expr, str): arg_expr_list = get_required_variables_from_expression(arg_expr) for a in arg_expr_list: try: kwargs_for_onnx[a] = evaluated_parameters[a] except KeyError: pass try: if arg_expr[0] == "[" and arg_expr[-1] == "]": # matches previous behavior continue except IndexError: pass kwargs_for_onnx[kw] = evaluated_parameters[kw] kwargs_for_onnx = { k: v for k, v in kwargs_for_onnx.items() if ( (k in onnx_arguments or has_variadic) and "onnx_" not in k # filter Evaluable__ class names ) } # attempt to cast attributes to what onnx_function expects for k, v in kwargs_for_onnx.items(): try: onnx_attr = onnx_schema.attributes[k] except KeyError: continue try: cast_type = onnx_typecast_mappings[onnx_attr.type] except KeyError: continue try: kwargs_for_onnx[k] = cast_type(v) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass if verbose: print(f"Evaluating ONNX function {onnx_name} with {kwargs_for_onnx}") try: result = onnx_function(**kwargs_for_onnx) except ( onnxruntime.capi.onnxruntime_pybind11_state.NotImplemented, onnxruntime.capi.onnxruntime_pybind11_state.Fail, ) as e: err = str(e) if ( "bound to different types (tensor(double) and tensor(float)" not in err and "Could not find an implementation for the node" not in err ): raise # assume this is related to lack of support for float64/double # for Cos, Relu (and likely others) on onnx CPUExecutionProvider result = onnx_function( **{ k: v.astype(np.float32) if hasattr(v, "dtype") and v.dtype == np.float64 else v for k, v in kwargs_for_onnx.items() } ) try: if result.dtype == np.float32: result = result.astype(np.float64) except AttributeError: pass return result
[docs]def get_required_variables_from_expression(expr: str) -> List[str]: """Produces a list containing variable symbols in **expr**""" def recursively_extract_subscripted_values(s): res = [] subscript_indices = [] depth = 0 len_s = len(s) for i in range(len_s): if s[i] == "[": if depth == 0: subscript_indices.append([i, None]) depth += 1 if s[i] == "]": depth -= 1 if depth == 0: subscript_indices[-1][1] = i # s contains no subscripts, so it won't be added in below loop if len(subscript_indices) == 0 and len_s > 0: res.append(s) last = 0 for start, end in subscript_indices: if end is None: end = len_s res.extend(recursively_extract_subscripted_values(s[start + 1 : end])) # add expression being subscripted if last != start: res.append(s[last:start]) last = end + 1 return res if not isinstance(expr, str): return [] result = [] for e in recursively_extract_subscripted_values(expr): result.extend( [ str( for elem in ast.walk( ast.parse(e.strip(" ,+-*/%^&").lstrip("])").rstrip("[(")) ) if isinstance(elem, ast.Name) ] ) return result
[docs]class EvaluableFunction: """Evaluates a :class:`~modeci_mdf.mdf.Function` value during MDF graph execution. Args: function: :func:`~modeci_mdf.mdf.Function` to be evaluated e.g. mdf standard function verbose: If set to True Provides in-depth information else verbose message is not displayed """ def __init__(self, function: Function = False, verbose: Optional[bool] = False): self.verbose = verbose self.function = function
[docs] def evaluate( self, parameters: Dict[str, Any] = None, array_format: str = FORMAT_DEFAULT, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Performs evaluation on the basis of given parameters and array_format Args: parameters: A dictionary of function parameters,e.g.logistic, parameters={'gain': 2,"bias": 3,"offset": 1} array_format: It can be a n-dimensional array or a tensor Returns: value of function after evaluation in Dictionary """ expr = None # print("functions value and function>>>", self.function.value, self.function.function) # func_val = self.function.value if self.function.function: for f in mdf_functions: if f == self.function.function: expr = create_python_expression( mdf_functions[f]["expression_string"] ) break if expr is None: expr = self.function.value # #raise "Unknown function: {}. Known functions: {}".format( # # self.function.function, # # mdf_functions.keys, # #) func_params = {} func_params.update(parameters) if self.verbose: print( " Evaluating %s with %s, i.e. [%s]" % (self.function, _params_info(func_params), expr) ) if self.function.args is not None: for arg in self.function.args: func_params[arg] = evaluate_expr( self.function.args[arg], func_params, verbose=False, array_format=array_format, ) if self.verbose: print( " Arg: {} became: {}".format( arg, _val_info(func_params[arg]) ) ) # If this is an ONNX operation, evaluate it without modelspec. if "onnx_ops." in expr: if self.verbose: print(f"{} is evaluating ONNX function {expr}") self.curr_value = evaluate_onnx_expr( expr, # parameters get overridden by self.function.args {**parameters, **self.function.args}, func_params, self.verbose, ) elif "actr." in expr: actr_function = getattr(actr_funcs, expr.split("(")[0].split(".")[-1]) self.curr_value = actr_function( *[func_params[arg] for arg in self.function.args] ) elif "ddm." in expr: actr_function = getattr(ddm_funcs, expr.split("(")[0].split(".")[-1]) self.curr_value = ddm_function( *[func_params[arg] for arg in self.function.args] ) else: self.curr_value = evaluate_expr( expr, func_params, verbose=self.verbose, array_format=array_format ) if self.verbose: print( " Evaluated %s with %s =\t%s" % (self.function, _params_info(func_params), _val_info(self.curr_value)) ) return self.curr_value
[docs]class EvaluableParameter: """ Evaluates the current value of a :class:`~modeci_mdf.mdf.Parameter` during the MDF graph execution. Args: parameter: The parameter to evaluate during execution. verbose: Whether to print output of parameter calculations. """ DEFAULT_INIT_VALUE = 0.0 # Temporary! def __init__(self, parameter: Parameter, verbose: bool = False): self.verbose = verbose self.parameter = parameter self.curr_value = None
[docs] def get_current_value( self, parameters: Dict[str, Any], array_format: str = FORMAT_DEFAULT ) -> Any: """ Get the current value of the parameter; evaluates the expression if the current value has not yet been set. Note: this is different from :code:`'evaluate'`, as calling that method multiple times can change the state of the parameter, but calling this should not reevaluate the parameter if it has a current value. Args: parameters: a dictionary of parameters and their values that may or may not be needed to evaluate this parameter. array_format: The array format to use (either :code:`'numpy'` or :code:`tensorflow'`). Returns: The evaluated value of the parameter. """ # FIXME: Shouldn't this just call self.evaluate, seems like there is redundant code here? if self.curr_value is None: if ( self.parameter.value is not None or self.parameter.default_initial_value is not None ): if self.parameter.is_stateful(): if self.verbose: print(f" Initial eval of <{self.parameter.summary()}> ") if self.parameter.default_initial_value is not None: return evaluate_expr( self.parameter.default_initial_value, parameters, verbose=self.verbose, array_format=array_format, ) else: return self.DEFAULT_INIT_VALUE else: ips = {} ips.update(parameters) ips[] = self.DEFAULT_INIT_VALUE self.curr_value = evaluate_expr( self.parameter.value, ips, verbose=self.verbose, array_format=array_format, ) if self.verbose: print( " Initial eval of <{}> = {} ".format( self.parameter, self.curr_value ) ) return self.curr_value
[docs] def evaluate( self, parameters: Dict[str, Any], time_increment: Optional[float] = None, array_format: str = FORMAT_DEFAULT, ) -> Any: """ Evaluate the parameter and store the result in the :code:`curr_value` attribute. Args: parameters: a dictionary of parameters and their values that may or may not be needed to evaluate this parameter. time_increment: a floating point value specifying the timestep size, only used for :code:`time_derivative` parameters array_format: The array format to use (either :code:`'numpy'` or :code:`tensorflow'`). Returns: The current value of the parameter. """ if self.verbose: print( " Evaluating {} with {} ".format( self.parameter.summary(), _params_info(parameters) ) ) if self.parameter.value is not None: self.curr_value = evaluate_expr( self.parameter.value, parameters, verbose=False, array_format=array_format, ) elif self.parameter.function: expr = None for f in mdf_functions: if self.parameter.function == f: expr = create_python_expression( mdf_functions[f]["expression_string"] ) if not expr: expr = self.parameter.function # raise "Unknown function: {}. Known functions: {}".format( # self.parameter.function, # mdf_functions.keys, # ) func_params = {} func_params.update(parameters) if self.verbose: print( " Evaluating %s with %s, i.e. [%s]" % (self.parameter, _params_info(func_params), expr) ) for arg in self.parameter.args: func_params[arg] = evaluate_expr( self.parameter.args[arg], func_params, verbose=False, array_format=array_format, ) if self.verbose: print( " Arg: {} became: {}".format( arg, _val_info(func_params[arg]) ) ) # If this is an ONNX operation, evaluate it without modelspec. if "onnx_ops." in expr: if self.verbose: print(f"{} is evaluating ONNX function {expr}") self.curr_value = evaluate_onnx_expr( expr, # parameters get overridden by self.parameter.args {**parameters, **self.parameter.args}, func_params, self.verbose, ) elif "actr." in expr: actr_function = getattr(actr_funcs, expr.split("(")[0].split(".")[-1]) self.curr_value = actr_function( *[func_params[arg] for arg in self.parameter.args] ) else: self.curr_value = evaluate_expr( expr, func_params, verbose=self.verbose, array_format=array_format, ) elif self.parameter.time_derivative is not None: if time_increment == None: self.curr_value = evaluate_expr( self.parameter.default_initial_value, parameters, verbose=self.verbose, array_format=array_format, ) else: td = evaluate_expr( self.parameter.time_derivative, parameters, verbose=self.verbose, array_format=array_format, ) if self.verbose: print( f"Incrementing {} from {self.curr_value} by {td} over time {time_increment}" ) self.curr_value = np.add( self.curr_value, td * time_increment, casting="safe" ) cond_mask = None val_if_true = None if len(self.parameter.conditions) > 0: for condition in self.parameter.conditions: cond_mask = evaluate_expr( condition.test, parameters, verbose=False, array_format=array_format, ) val_if_true = evaluate_expr( condition.value, parameters, verbose=False, array_format=array_format, ) if self.verbose: print( " --- Condition: %s: %s = %s: true? %s" % (, condition.test, val_if_true, cond_mask) ) # e.g. if the parameter value is set only by a set of conditions... if self.curr_value is None: self.curr_value = self.DEFAULT_INIT_VALUE self.curr_value = np.where(cond_mask, val_if_true, self.curr_value) if self.verbose: print( " Evaluated this: %s with %s \n =\t%s" % ( self.parameter.summary(), _params_info(parameters), _val_info(self.curr_value), ) ) return self.curr_value
[docs]class EvaluableOutput: r"""Evaluates the current value of an :class:`~modeci_mdf.mdf.OutputPort` during MDF graph execution. Args: output_port: Attribute of a Node which exports information to the dependent Node object verbose: If set to True Provides in-depth information else verbose message is not displayed """ def __init__(self, output_port: OutputPort, verbose: Optional[bool] = False): self.verbose = verbose self.output_port = output_port self.curr_value = None
[docs] def evaluate( self, parameters: Dict[str, Any] = None, array_format: str = FORMAT_DEFAULT, ) -> Union[int, np.ndarray]: """Evaluate the value at the output port on the basis of parameters and array_format Args: parameters: Dictionary of global parameters of the Output Port array_format: It is a n-dimensional array Returns: value at output port """ if self.verbose: print( " Evaluating %s with %s " % (self.output_port, _params_info(parameters)) ) self.curr_value = evaluate_expr( self.output_port.value, parameters, verbose=False, array_format=array_format ) if self.verbose: print( " Evaluated %s with %s \n =\t%s" % ( self.output_port, _params_info(parameters), _val_info(self.curr_value), ) ) return self.curr_value
[docs]class EvaluableInput: """Evaluates input value at the :class:`~modeci_mdf.mdf.InputPort` of the node during MDF graph execution. Args: input_port: The :class:`~modeci_mdf.mdf.InputPort` is an attribute of a Node which imports information to the :class:`~modeci_mdf.mdf.Node` verbose: If set to True Provides in-depth information else verbose message is not displayed """ def __init__(self, input_port: InputPort, verbose: Optional[bool] = False): self.verbose = verbose self.input_port = input_port default = 0 if input_port.type and "float" in input_port.type: default = 0.0 self.curr_value = np.full(input_port.shape, default)
[docs] def set_input_value(self, value: Union[str, int, np.ndarray]): """Set a new value at input port Args: value: Value to be set at Input Port """ if self.verbose: print(f" Input value in {} set to {_val_info(value)}") self.curr_value = value
[docs] def evaluate( self, parameters: Dict[str, Any] = None, array_format: str = FORMAT_DEFAULT ) -> Union[int, np.ndarray]: """Evaluates value at Input port based on parameters and array_format Args: parameters: Dictionary of parameters array_format: It is a n-dimensional array Returns: value at Input port """ if self.verbose: print( " Evaluated %s with params %s =\t%s" % ( self.input_port, _params_info(parameters), _val_info(self.curr_value), ) ) return self.curr_value
[docs]class EvaluableNode: r"""Evaluates a :class:`~modeci_mdf.mdf.Node` during MDF graph execution. Args: node: A self contained unit of evaluation receiving input from other :class:`~modeci_mdf.mdf.Node`\(s) on :class:`~modeci_mdf.mdf.InputPort`\(s). verbose: If set to True Provides in-depth information else verbose message is not displayed """ def __init__(self, node: Node, verbose: Optional[bool] = False): self.verbose = verbose self.node = node self.evaluable_inputs = {} self.evaluable_parameters = OrderedDict() self.evaluable_functions = OrderedDict() self.evaluable_outputs = {} all_known_vars = [] all_known_vars += KNOWN_PARAMETERS for ip in node.input_ports: rip = EvaluableInput(ip, self.verbose) self.evaluable_inputs[] = rip all_known_vars.append( # params_init[ip] = ip.curr_value for p in node.parameters: all_known_vars.append( """ for p in node.parameters: ep = EvaluableParameter(p, self.verbose) self.evaluable_parameters[] = ep all_known_vars.append( # params_init[s] = s.curr_value""" # TODO: the below checks for evaluability of functions and # parameters using known variables are very similar and could be # simplified with a function all_funcs = [f for f in node.functions] num_funcs_remaining = { None for f in node.functions} func_missing_vars = { [] for f in node.functions} # Order the functions into the correct sequence while len(all_funcs) > 0: f = all_funcs.pop(0) # pop first off list if verbose: print( " Checking whether function: %s with args %s is sufficiently determined by known vars %s" % (, f.args, all_known_vars) ) all_req_vars = [] if f.args: for arg in f.args: arg_expr = f.args[arg] # If we are dealing with a list of symbols, each must treated separately all_req_vars.extend( [ v for v in get_required_variables_from_expression(arg_expr) if v not in f.args ] ) if f.value is not None: all_req_vars.extend( [ v for v in get_required_variables_from_expression(f.value) if f.args is None or v not in f.args ] ) all_present = [v in all_known_vars for v in all_req_vars] func_missing_vars[] = { v for v in all_req_vars if v not in all_known_vars } if verbose: print( " Are all of %s in %s? %s" % (all_req_vars, all_known_vars, all_present) ) if all(all_present): rf = EvaluableFunction(f, self.verbose) self.evaluable_functions[] = rf all_known_vars.append( # params_init[f] = self.evaluable_functions[].evaluate( # params_init, array_format=FORMAT_DEFAULT # ) else: # track the number of remaining functions each time f # is examined. If it's the same as last time, we know # every function was examined and nothing changed, so # we can stop because otherwise it will just infinitely # loop if num_funcs_remaining[] == len(all_funcs): func_missing_vars = { f: ", ".join(v) for f, v in func_missing_vars.items() } raise ValueError( "Error! Could not evaluate functions using known vars. The following vars are missing:\n\t" + "\n\t".join( f"{f}: {v}" for f, v in func_missing_vars.items() if len(v) > 0 ) ) else: num_funcs_remaining[] = len(all_funcs) all_funcs.append(f) all_params_to_check = [p for p in node.parameters] num_params_remaining = { None for p in node.parameters} param_missing_vars = { [] for f in node.parameters} if self.verbose: print("all_params_to_check: %s" % all_params_to_check) # Order the parameters into the correct sequence while len(all_params_to_check) > 0: p = all_params_to_check.pop(0) # pop first off list if verbose: print( " Checking whether parameter: %s with args: %s, value: %s (%s) is sufficiently determined by known vars %s" % (, p.args, p.value, type(p.value), all_known_vars) ) all_req_vars = [] if p.value is not None and type(p.value) == str: all_req_vars.extend( [ v for v in get_required_variables_from_expression(p.value) if p.args is None or v not in p.args ] ) if p.args is not None: for arg in p.args: arg_expr = p.args[arg] if isinstance(arg_expr, str): all_req_vars.extend( [ v for v in get_required_variables_from_expression( arg_expr ) if v not in p.args ] ) all_known_vars_plus_this = all_known_vars + [] all_present = [v in all_known_vars_plus_this for v in all_req_vars] param_missing_vars[] = { v for v in all_req_vars if v not in all_known_vars } if verbose: print( " Are all of %s in %s? %s, i.e. %s" % ( all_req_vars, all_known_vars_plus_this, all_present, all(all_present), ) ) if all(all_present): ep = EvaluableParameter(p, self.verbose) self.evaluable_parameters[] = ep all_known_vars.append( else: if num_params_remaining[] == len(all_params_to_check): param_missing_vars = { p: ", ".join(v) for p, v in param_missing_vars.items() } raise ValueError( "Error! Could not evaluate parameters using known vars. The following vars are missing:\n\t" + "\n\t".join( f"{p}: {v}" for p, v in param_missing_vars.items() if len(v) > 0 ) ) else: num_params_remaining[] = len(all_params_to_check) all_params_to_check.append(p) # Add back to end of list... for op in node.output_ports: rop = EvaluableOutput(op, self.verbose) self.evaluable_outputs[] = rop
[docs] def evaluate( self, time_increment: Union[int, float] = None, array_format: str = FORMAT_DEFAULT, ): """ Evaluate the Node for one time-step Args: time_increment: The time-increment to use for this evaluation. array_format: The format to use for arrays. """ if self.verbose: print( "\n ---------------\n Evaluating Node: %s with %s" % (, [ for p in self.node.parameters]) ) curr_params = {} for eip in self.evaluable_inputs: i = self.evaluable_inputs[eip].evaluate( curr_params, array_format=array_format ) curr_params[eip] = i # First set params to previous parameter values for use in funcs and states... for ep in self.evaluable_parameters: curr_params[ep] = self.evaluable_parameters[ep].get_current_value( curr_params, array_format=array_format ) for ef in self.evaluable_functions: curr_params[ef] = self.evaluable_functions[ef].evaluate( curr_params, array_format=array_format ) # Now evaluate and set params to new parameter values for use in output... for ep in self.evaluable_parameters: curr_params[ep] = self.evaluable_parameters[ep].evaluate( curr_params, time_increment=time_increment, array_format=array_format ) for eop in self.evaluable_outputs: self.evaluable_outputs[eop].evaluate(curr_params, array_format=array_format)
[docs] def get_output(self, id: str = None) -> Union[int, np.ndarray, Tuple]: """Get value at output port for given output port's id Args: id: Unique identifier of the output port. If None, return a tuple for all output ports. Returns: value at the output port. If id is None, return all outputs as a tuple. If there is only one output, return just its value. """ if id is not None: for rop in self.evaluable_outputs: if rop == id: return self.evaluable_outputs[rop].curr_value else: outputs = tuple( self.evaluable_outputs[rop].curr_value for rop in self.evaluable_outputs ) if len(outputs) == 1: return outputs[0] else: return outputs
[docs]class EvaluableGraph: r""" Evaluates a :class:`~modeci_mdf.mdf.Graph` with the MDF execution engine. This is the top-level interface to the execution engine. Args: graph: A directed graph consisting of :class:`~modeci_mdf.mdf.Node`\(s) connected via :class:`~modeci_mdf.mdf.Edge`\(s) verbose: If set to True Provides in-depth information else verbose message is not displayed """ def __init__(self, graph: Graph, verbose: Optional[bool] = False): self.verbose = verbose print("\nInit graph: %s" % self.graph = graph self.enodes = {} self.root_nodes = [] self.output_nodes = [] self.order_of_execution = [] # Get the root (input nodes) of the graph. We will assume all are root nodes # and then remove those that have edges to them. for node in graph.nodes: if self.verbose: print("\n Init node: %s" % en = EvaluableNode(node, self.verbose) self.enodes[] = en self.root_nodes.append( for edge in graph.edges: if ( edge.receiver in self.root_nodes ): # It could have been already removed... self.root_nodes.remove(edge.receiver) self.ordered_edges = [] evaluated_nodes = [] for rn in self.root_nodes: evaluated_nodes.append(rn) edges_to_eval = [edge for edge in self.graph.edges] while len(edges_to_eval) > 0: edge = edges_to_eval.pop(0) if edge.sender not in evaluated_nodes: edges_to_eval.append(edge) # Add back to end of list... else: self.ordered_edges.append(edge) evaluated_nodes.append(edge.receiver) if self.graph.conditions is not None: if self.graph.conditions.node_specific is None: conditions = {} else: conditions = { self.graph.get_node(node): self.parse_condition(cond) for node, cond in self.graph.conditions.node_specific.items() } termination_conds = {} if self.graph.conditions.termination is not None: for scale, cond in self.graph.conditions.termination.items(): cond = self.parse_condition(cond) # check for TimeScale in form of enum or equivalent unambiguous strings try: scale = re.match(time_scale_str_regex, scale).groups()[1] except (AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError): pass try: termination_conds[graph_scheduler.TimeScale[scale]] = cond except KeyError: termination_conds[scale] = cond else: conditions = {} termination_conds = {} self.scheduler = graph_scheduler.Scheduler( graph=self.graph.dependency_dict, conditions=conditions, termination_conds=termination_conds, ) # We also need to get the output nodes self.output_nodes = [ n for n in self.graph.nodes if not in (e.sender for e in self.graph.edges) ] # Lets also get the corresponding EvaluableNode for outputs self.output_enodes = [self.enodes[] for n in self.output_nodes]
[docs] def evaluate( self, time_increment: Union[int, float] = None, array_format: str = FORMAT_DEFAULT, initializer: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): """ Evaluates a :class:`~modeci_mdf.mdf.Graph`. This is the top-level interface to the execution engine. Args: time_increment: Time step for next execution array_format: A n-dimensional array initializer: sets the initial value of parameters of the node """ # Any values that are set via the passed in initalizer, set their values. This lets us avoid creating # dummy input nodes with parameters for evaluating the graph for en_id, en in self.enodes.items(): for inp_name, inp in en.evaluable_inputs.items(): if initializer and inp_name in initializer: inp.set_input_value(initializer[inp_name]) print( "Evaluating graph: %s, root nodes: %s, with array format %s" % (, self.root_nodes, array_format) ) str_conds_nb = "\n ".join( [ f"{}: {cond}" for node, cond in self.scheduler.conditions.conditions.items() ] ) str_conds_term = "\n ".join( [ f"{scale}: {cond}" for scale, cond in self.scheduler.termination_conds.items() ] ) if self.verbose: print(" node-based conditions\n %s" % str_conds_nb) print(" termination conditions\n %s" % str_conds_term) incoming_edges = {n: set() for n in self.graph.nodes} for edge in self.graph.edges: incoming_edges[self.graph.get_node(edge.receiver)].add(edge) for ts in if self.verbose: print( "> Evaluating time step: %s" % self.scheduler.get_clock(None).simple_time ) for node in ts: self.order_of_execution.append( for edge in incoming_edges[node]: self.evaluate_edge( edge, time_increment=time_increment, array_format=array_format ) self.enodes[].evaluate( time_increment=time_increment, array_format=array_format ) if self.verbose: print("> Order of execution of nodes: %s" % self.order_of_execution) print("\n Trial terminated")
[docs] def evaluate_edge( self, edge: Edge, time_increment: Union[int, float] = None, array_format: str = FORMAT_DEFAULT, ): """Evaluates edges in graph Args: time_increment: Time step for next execution array_format: A n-dimensional array """ pre_node = self.enodes[edge.sender] post_node = self.enodes[edge.receiver] value = pre_node.evaluable_outputs[edge.sender_port].curr_value weight = ( 1 if not edge.parameters or not "weight" in edge.parameters else edge.parameters["weight"] ) if self.verbose: print( " Edge %s connects %s to %s, passing %s with weight %s" % (,,, _val_info(value), _val_info(weight), ) ) if (type(weight) == int or type(weight) == float) and weight == 1: input_value = value else: input_value = weight * value post_node.evaluable_inputs[edge.receiver_port].set_input_value(input_value)
[docs] def parse_condition( self, condition: Union[Condition, Dict] ) -> graph_scheduler.Condition: """Convert the condition in a specific format Args: condition: Specify the condition under which a Component should be allowed to execute Returns: Condition in specific format """ def get_custom_parameter_getter(eobj): # try to pick a default based on expected shape of the # evaluable object before it has ever been executed for d in [ lambda: np.zeros(eobj.input_port.shape), lambda: np.zeros(eobj.output_port.shape), lambda: eobj.parameter.default_initial_value, ]: try: default = d() except AttributeError: pass else: break else: default = 0 def getter(dependency, parameter): res = eobj.curr_value if res is None: return default else: return res return getter def update_condition_arguments(args, condition_type): # mdf format prefers the key name for all conditions that use it or # its value as an __init__ argument combined_condition_arguments = {"dependencies": "dependency"} sig = inspect.signature(condition_type) for preferred, actual in combined_condition_arguments.items(): if ( preferred in condition.kwargs and preferred not in sig.parameters and actual in sig.parameters ): args[actual] = args[preferred] del args[preferred] if "custom_parameter_getter" in sig.parameters: try: dependency = args["dependency"] parameter = args["parameter"] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError( "Threshold condition did not specify dependency or parameter" ) from e # self is EvaluableGraph condition is running under, enode = self.enodes[] evaluable_objects = [ enode.evaluable_inputs, enode.evaluable_parameters, enode.evaluable_functions, enode.evaluable_outputs, ] valid_parameters = itertools.chain.from_iterable( [obj for obj in evaluable_objects] ) args["custom_parameter_validator"] = ( lambda dependency, parameter: parameter in valid_parameters ) # assumes a unique parameter id among evaluable objects for # dependency, or will resolve in favor of first with that id for obj in evaluable_objects: try: obj = obj[parameter] except KeyError: pass else: args["custom_parameter_getter"] = get_custom_parameter_getter( obj ) break else: raise ValueError( f"No {parameter} evaluable object for {dependency}, options: {list(valid_parameters)}" ) return args # if specified as dict try: args = condition["kwargs"] except (IndexError, TypeError, KeyError): args = {} try: condition = Condition(condition["type"], **args) except (IndexError, TypeError, KeyError): pass cond_type = condition.type cond_args = copy.copy(condition.kwargs) try: typ = getattr(graph_scheduler.condition, cond_type) except AttributeError as e: raise ValueError("Unsupported condition type: %s" % cond_type) from e except TypeError as e: raise TypeError("Invalid condition dictionary: %s" % condition) from e for k, v in cond_args.items(): new_v = self.graph.get_node(v) if new_v is not None: # arg is a node id cond_args[k] = new_v try: if isinstance(v, list): # arg is a list all of conditions new_v = [self.parse_condition(item) for item in v] else: # arg is another condition new_v = self.parse_condition(v) except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError): try: # value may be a string representing a TimeScale cond_args[k] = getattr( graph_scheduler.TimeScale, re.match(time_scale_str_regex, v).groups()[1], ) except (AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError): pass else: cond_args[k] = new_v cond_args = update_condition_arguments(cond_args, typ) try: return typ(**cond_args) except TypeError as e: sig = inspect.signature(typ) try: var_positional_arg = [ name for name, param in sig.parameters.items() if param.kind is inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL ][0] except IndexError: # other unhandled situation raise e else: try: cond_args[var_positional_arg] except KeyError: # error is due to missing required parameter, # not named variable positional argument raise TypeError(f"Condition '{typ.__name__}': {e}") else: return typ( *cond_args[var_positional_arg], **{ k: v for k, v in cond_args.items() if k != var_positional_arg }, )
[docs]def main(example_file: str, array_format: str = FORMAT_NUMPY, verbose: bool = False): """ Main entry point for execution engine. Args: example_file: The MDF file to execute. array_format: The format of arrays to use. Allowed values: 'numpy' or 'tensorflow'. verbose: Whether to print output to standard out during execution. """ from modeci_mdf.utils import load_mdf, print_summary mod_graph = load_mdf(example_file).graphs[0] if verbose: print("Loaded Graph:") print_summary(mod_graph) print("------------------") eg = EvaluableGraph(mod_graph, verbose) eg.evaluate(array_format=array_format) return eg
if __name__ == "__main__": example_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "examples/MDF/Simple.json" ) verbose = True if len(sys.argv) >= 2: example_file = sys.argv[1] if "-v" in sys.argv: verbose = True else: verbose = False from modelspec.utils import FORMAT_NUMPY, FORMAT_TENSORFLOW format = FORMAT_TENSORFLOW if "-tf" in sys.argv else FORMAT_NUMPY print("Executing MDF file %s with scheduler" % example_file) main(example_file, array_format=format, verbose=verbose)